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Oratory of the Giglio

At the foot of the hill and in the immediate vicinity of the historic center of Borgo a Buggiano, there is the Oratory of Giglio that gave the name to the surrounding area.

It seems that the building, dating back to the second half of the sixteenth century, was born following the extension and coverage of a marginso much that even today the inhabitants call it: Margin of the Lily. The small church is dedicated to Santa Maria del Giglio and was under the Florentine Cathedral. It is said that it was built by the will of the Florentines, perhaps during the passage of the troops in Valdinievole.
Inside there is a fresco with the Madonna della neve by Giottesca school.


Throughout the territory the margins were widespread and played an important role in the religious life of the people.
They were often located on the border of the farms and served as a sacred space to protect houses, farm and animals.
It was common for margins in time to be transformed into shrines and oratories.

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